Who We Are
We are Mennonite - a group of Christians named after Menno Simons, an early founder.
Mennonites have their roots in the radical reformation. Reformers are Christians who separated from the mainstream church in the 1500s.
We are Brethren - an “offshoot” of Mennonites, calling for an even more radical obedience to the bible.
We are KZMC - our history goes back to 1908 when a group of believers began meeting in the town of Zurich.
We’re a people from different backgrounds, some with a church history, some without.
What We Believe
We believe we are created by a good, powerful and loving God.
We believe Jesus came to the world to deliver us from evil and to restore everything, through his death and resurrection.
We believe that every person is invited to be reconnected to God through faith in Jesus.
We believe that the Holy Spirit has been sent to encourage, guide and empower us to live a life of goodness and joy.
We believe that all Jesus-followers are called to live in communities of faith, love and peace, extending God’s grace in the world around us.
What We Practice
We practice baptism. Baptism is a step of faith, a symbol, and an act of obedience that points to and reminds us of what Christ has done for us. Baptism is a step of joining our church.
We practice communion. We break bread together and drink as a reminder of what Christ did for us, celebrating salvation and praising God. Communion is for anyone who follows Christ and who is accountable to their congregation. In general, being baptized first is encouraged.
We practice (tithing) giving and serving and sharing Jesus with others.
Meet our Pastors!
David Wicks
Lead Pastor - david@kzmc.ca
April King
Associate Pastor - april@kzmc.ca
Deb Gingerich
Youth Pastor - deb@kzmc.ca